Showing posts with label The Indie Elitist. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Indie Elitist. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The First Five Months of The Indie Elitist

So around five months ago I started on my new blog, The Indie Elitist.

A few things have changed in the blog since then but overall I have stayed consistent to me original idea to provide reviews (of varying sizes) on indie games in a elegant, loving, and very structured manner. Personally, I think that this is the perfect venue specifically for indie games and at some point I might go more in-depth about that but for now I just want to point out what I have been up to over there for the last five months.

I have written a total of 98 articles, of which 15 got the prestigious Must Play rating and 31 got the still impressive Should Play rating. I absolutely loved every single one of these games, and would highly recommend all of them.

In addition to these gems I also created a number of pages; Most notably The Art of Indie page, which  features all of the games that I feel are particularly beautiful; And the Ongoing Sales page, which showcases all of the best ongoing indie game sales.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Art of Indie

Recently finished a page dedicated to the graphical art of indie (independent) games over at my other blog The Indie Elitist. It is primarily a list of games that I found particularly beautiful.

So if this sounds interesting to you check out the page here.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Indie Elitist

Hello blog followers, feed subscribers, and other readers of this blog. I have a recent project to announce, a new blog.

As I am sure everyone has noticed but been too polite to point out this blog has the absolutely worst title a blog could ever have. Well that is not changing and this blog will continue without any major changes but I have finally come up with a appropriate name and theme for another blog.

The name is The Indie Elitist and it is online and visit-able at Currently it has 3 articles about a classic graphical adventure and its developers. The basic theme is indie games and its motto is "Admiring Independently Developed Games" which is mirrored in how I rate the games in the articles. I have 3 ratings, null (I simply say nothing about how good or bad it is), Should Play, and Must Play. I also have another form of rating and it, as far as I can tell, fits very well into a blog called the Indie Elitist which is a rating of how indie the game/dev team is (Not Indie, Barely Indie, Indie, Quintessentially Indie). Half joke, half serious (and sometimes based on conjecture and far to much personal opinion of what indieness is) this rating of indieness is a staple of the blog and I am hoping it will become something it is known for.

With the content and how it is displayed I have tried to be elegant in all things, and I hope that is obvious. I think that it will make a perfect style to complement the subject of indie games.

I am also going for what I hope is a timeless approach to the articles, I will write a single article (following strict pre-set guidelines on what a article should contain and how it is laid out) about any game or development studio and that is it, if more relevant information comes along I will simply update the post. Which poses a problem as blog feeds don't acknowledged edited posts, so the comments of a post will be used as a way to inform feed subscribers about updates updates and I can change the date and time of posts when I edit them to make them appear on the front page and show the edit date instead of the original post time. I have also left out the regular blog archive list in preference to a list of categories and a search bar.

How the site is designed to be used.
You can search for a specific game, dev team, or other indie thing with the search bar.
You can search by many categories (gaming genre, story genre, graphical style, developer, and any of the ratings). I particularly think the story and graphical style are unique things to categorise and hope people find it fun and useful to use.
You can subscribe to posts like normal to get notified of new articles but I would urge all followers to also subscribe to all comments (see sidebar) to get notified of updates to articles (for example no dwarf fortress stories would be announced like I have been doing on this blog).
Alternatively you can also subscribe to a post's individual comments (see sidebar) to just get updates on the news you are interesting in.

And that is it, please give me your opinion on the execution/concept of this new blog.